Results for 'Victor S. Mariottini de Oliveira'

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  1.  22
    Statehood for Sale: Derecognition, “Rental Recognition”, and the Open Flanks of International Law.Victor S. Mariottini de Oliveira - 2023 - Jus Cogens 5 (2):277-295.
    State derecognition, defined as the withdrawal of recognition from a putative state, has been more impactful as a diplomatic subculture in the last decades than is often assumed. Recent practice suggests that when states engage in derecognition, they do not mechanically assess whether a state no longer fulfils the traditional criteria for statehood, but rather employ derecognition as a tool of foreign policy, tailored to enhance their own economic and geopolitical interests. The bargaining dynamics of derecognition and “rental recognition” policies (...)
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    Uma chave de leitura para os ensaios de Marcuse na ZfS (1937-1941).Victor Hugo de Oliveira Saldanha - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1633-1669.
    Resumo: O presente artigo apresenta uma epítome da dissertação “Os pressupostos filosóficos e os imperativos fundamentais da teoria crítica incipiente de Herbert Marcuse: em torno dos ensaios da ZfS (1937-1941). (SALDANHA, 2020)”. Essa pesquisa buscou identificar os traços distintivos da teoria crítica que Marcuse esboça nos ensaios publicados na Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung entre 1937-1941, tendo acedido a duas conclusões gerais: 1) que essa teoria se baseia em dois pressupostos filosóficos maiores, a saber, a dialética hegeliana e a crítica de economia (...)
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    A abordagem do texto cristão em Erich Auerbach (Erich Auerbach's approach to Christian texts).Victor de Oliveira Pinto Coelho - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (26):584-602.
    Este trabalho é um breve estudo sobre a análise literária de textos cristãos elaborada por Erich Auerbach. O objetivo é destacar como, a partir do sermão 256 de Santo Agostinho e da Bíblia, Auerbach ilumina a articulação do sublime cristão com o sermo humilis , ou seja, incorpora a linguagem ordinária e temas prosaicos cotidianos para transmitir a mensagem religiosa. Do ponto de vista teórico-conceitual, faremos uma breve exposição sobre teoria da literatura, mais especificamente, sobre mimesis e literatura, como forma (...)
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    Entre o niilismo e a legitimidade do espaço simbólico: diálogo com Schmitt, Heidegger e Blumenberg (Between nihilism and the legitimacy of symbolic space: dialogue with Schmitt, Heidegger and Blumenberg). DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2014v12n33p183. [REVIEW]Victor de Oliveira Pinto Coelho - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (33):183-210.
    O artigo pretende expor uma visão crítica sobre a teoria da secularização defendida por Carl Schmitt e sobre a reflexão de Martin Heidegger a respeito da metafísica do sujeito. Mais precisamente, nosso foco recai criticamente sobre a equivalência entre niilismo e autolegislação humana presente na obra de ambos os autores. Nosso objetivo é apreender tais formulações em duas dimensões imbricadas: uma delas, teórico-filosófica, e a outra, histórica. Em seguida, buscamos colocá-las em perspectiva crítica tendo em vista especialmente a reflexão desenvolvida (...)
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    A randomised controlled trial of an Intervention to Improve Compliance with the ARRIVE guidelines (IICARus).Ezgi Tanriver-Ayder, Laura J. Gray, Sarah K. McCann, Ian M. Devonshire, Leigh O’Connor, Zeinab Ammar, Sarah Corke, Mahmoud Warda, Evandro Araújo De-Souza, Paolo Roncon, Edward Christopher, Ryan Cheyne, Daniel Baker, Emily Wheater, Marco Cascella, Savannah A. Lynn, Emmanuel Charbonney, Kamil Laban, Cilene Lino de Oliveira, Julija Baginskaite, Joanne Storey, David Ewart Henshall, Ahmed Nazzal, Privjyot Jheeta, Arianna Rinaldi, Teja Gregorc, Anthony Shek, Jennifer Freymann, Natasha A. Karp, Terence J. Quinn, Victor Jones, Kimberley Elaine Wever, Klara Zsofia Gerlei, Mona Hosh, Victoria Hohendorf, Monica Dingwall, Timm Konold, Katrina Blazek, Sarah Antar, Daniel-Cosmin Marcu, Alexandra Bannach-Brown, Paula Grill, Zsanett Bahor, Gillian L. Currie, Fala Cramond, Rosie Moreland, Chris Sena, Jing Liao, Michelle Dohm, Gina Alvino, Alejandra Clark, Gavin Morrison, Catriona MacCallum, Cadi Irvine, Philip Bath, David Howells, Malcolm R. Macleod, Kaitlyn Hair & Emily S. Sena - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    BackgroundThe ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines are widely endorsed but compliance is limited. We sought to determine whether journal-requested completion of an ARRIVE checklist improves full compliance with the guidelines.MethodsIn a randomised controlled trial, manuscripts reporting in vivo animal research submitted to PLOS ONE (March–June 2015) were randomly allocated to either requested completion of an ARRIVE checklist or current standard practice. Authors, academic editors, and peer reviewers were blinded to group allocation. Trained reviewers performed outcome adjudication (...)
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  6.  10
    Metafísica Do Tempo, Do Futuro e da História Em Antônio Vieira.Victor Nojosa de Oliveira - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 33 (33):226-244.
    O presente artigo pretende analisar a metafísica do tempo, do futuro e da história como a única instância promotora capaz de instaurar no cosmo a plena unidade. O processo de renovação da totalidade compreenderá a transformação das temporalidades de conformidade com a Providência do Ser divino sem prejuízos para o exercício da liberdade humana, pois os seres humanos são integrados ao Ser divino em uma relação de recíproca correspondência. Para tanto, a opção metodológica dessa investigação se fundamenta em interpretações exegéticas (...)
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  7.  36
    O sofrimento e a questão de Deus: uma leitura de Lévinas em tempos de pandemia.Fabiano Victor De Oliveira Campos & Luiz Fernando Pires Dias - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (2):268-279.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a compreensão do filósofo Emmanuel Lévinas no que concerne às questões do sofrimento e do mal no mundo, mazelas frequentemente consideradas como obstáculos à crença em Deus. O filósofo franco-lituano, fugindo da lógica das teodiceias, desenvolveu perspectivas instigantes e originais sobre esses temas, situando-os em um domínio eminentemente ético. Trata-se de uma ética que foge da reciprocidade, em um contexto de assimetria, com a concessão da prioridade absoluta ao outro homem. Tais reflexões são (...)
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  8.  48
    Advances in the study of elementary cellular automata regular language complexity.Pedro P. B. De Oliveira, Eurico L. P. Ruivo, Wander L. Costa, Fábio T. Miki & Victor V. Trafaniuc - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):267-279.
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  9.  39
    A potencialidade na filosofia da educação antiga e medieval.Lais Boveto & Terezinha Oliveira - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (74):779-811.
    A potencialidade na filosofia da educação antiga e medieval 1 Resumo: O texto aborda a potencialidade, na filosofia da educação antiga e medieval, como a capacidade de aperfeiçoamento da razão. A noção de paideia conduz essa reflexão, uma vez que perpassa o pensamento educacional desde a antiguidade clássica até a baixa Idade Média. Essa continuidade explicita a tradição da formação integral do homem que considerava os aspectos morais e políticos como uma totalidade indissociável. O encaminhamento teórico segue a concepção de (...)
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  10.  40
    A trajetória política de Ferreira Gullar.Victor Augusto Ramos Missiato - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (1):247.
    Em um de seus últimos artigos publicados na Folha de S. Paulo, Ferreira Gullar defendeu a necessidade de se reinventar uma nova utopia para o tempo presente: “por isso mesmo, o fim do regime comunista provocou um vazio ideológico, que necessita ser preenchido, uma vez que a sociedade humana, sem utopia, torna-se inviável”. Trata-se da última dentre tantas reviravoltas em sua saudosa trajetória intelectual. Diante disso, discutimos aqui uma das principais contribuições para esse debate, presente Em um rabo de foguete: (...)
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  11.  23
    Arquitectura digital, desafíos democráticos y regulación: el ejemplo brasileño.Heloisa Fernandes Câmara, Millena Antunes de Oliveira & João Victor Archegas - 2024 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 58.
    La arquitectura digital ha alterado de manera decisiva la sociedad y, en consecuencia, demanda respuestas legales. De la Internet desarrollada en la década de 1970 con fines militares, casi nada permanece igual. La plataforma ha otorgado un poder sin igual a las empresas de tecnología, cambiando la forma en que nos comunicamos, abordamos la política, negociamos y también cómo nos relacionamos. En la economía digital actual, la atención de los usuarios es el principal producto, y estos usuarios también son productores (...)
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  12.  17
    Nominata dos avaliadores de 2018.Fabiano Victor de Oliveira Campos - 2019 - Horizonte 16 (51):1460-1462.
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  13.  22
    A presença de traços existencialistas nas noções de dignidade E liberdade encontradas na oratio de pico Della mirandola.Victor Hugo de Oliveira Marques - 2015 - Synesis 7 (2):144-165.
    O presente artigo objetiva, ao revisitar a obra Oratio de hominis dignitate composta pelo humanista renascentista Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, um duplo intento: sustentar que as noções de dignidade e liberdade, presentes nessa obra, se distanciam do pensamento cristão tradicional, de modo crítico, justamente porque derivam de uma leitura filosófica da teologia cristã da criação; e mostrar que a conclusão a respeito da noção de liberdade apresentada por Sartre no pensamento contemporâneo pode ser encontrada de modo germinal, guardada as devidas (...)
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  14. Comentários sobre a perspectiva do conceito de “superação” no aforismo I Das notas heideggerianas intitulaDas superação da metafísica.Victor Hugo de Oliveira Marques - 2017 - Synesis 9 (2):78-93.
    O presente artigo é uma discussão sobre a noção heideggeriana de Überwindung. Seu objetivo é duplo: por um lado, [1] mostrar a perspectiva que tal termo deve ser compreendido; por outro, [2] aprofundar esta perspectiva à luz de comentários ao aforismo I do texto Überwindung der Metaphysik. Para tanto, duas questões são postas: em que perspectiva e que questões estão implícitas quando Heidegger propõe o projeto da Überwindung der Metaphysik?; e por que uma Überwindung contém em si tantos problemas? De (...)
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  15.  32
    (2 other versions)Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v. 17, n. 54, set.-dez. 2019.Fabiano Victor de Oliveira Campos - forthcoming - Horizonte.
    Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v. 17, n. 54, set.-dez. 2019.
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    Sources of moral distress in nursing professionals: A scoping review.Murilo Karasinski, Elena Lomba de Oliveira, Victor Lucas de Souza Pousa, Giovanna Carolina Massaneiro dos Santos & Carla Corradi Perini - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    This article presents a scoping review aimed at mapping the main sources of moral distress among nursing professionals. The review was conducted according to the Arksey and O’Malley methodology, using the SPIDER framework to guide the systematic search in the BVS, PubMed, PsycArticles, Scielo, and Scopus databases. Initially, 2320 publications were identified. After the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 83 studies were selected for analysis in terms of their methodological characteristics, objectives, practice contexts, and various sources of moral distress (...)
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  17.  20
    Diálogo Entre Os Direitos Humanos À Internet e À Democracia: Por Uma Democracia Digital.Caio Victor Nunes Marques & Armando Albuquerque de Oliveira - 2017 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 3 (2):149-165.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo fazer um diálogo entre os direitos humanos à democracia e à internet, dando ênfase ao surgimento da democracia digital, como forma de participação política dos cidadãos. Assim, parte-se do seguinte questionamento: é possível haver participação política dos cidadãos através da relação entre democracia e internet? Tem-se como hipótese que a internet se trata de uma ferramenta capaz de viabilizar a participação política dos cidadãos. Para averiguá-la, são utilizadas as técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, (...)
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  18.  21
    Entrevista com Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Duarte.Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, João Paulo Andrade Dias & Victor Hugo de Oliveira Saldanha Saldanha - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1525-1540.
    Entrevista realizada em outubro de 2023 por Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, João Paulo Andrade Dias, Victor Hugo de Oliveira Saldanha e concedida a Educação e Filosofia para publicação no v. 37, n. 81, p. 1727-1740, set./dez. 2023, como parte integrante do Dossiê Teoria Crítica 100 Anos organizado por Prof. Dr. Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Prof. Drª. Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide e Prof. Dr. Sertório de Amorim e Silva Neto, e também publicado nesta mesma edição.
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  19.  4
    Curso sobre a Origem da Vida Religiosa (1907).Geovane Campanher dos Santos, Fabiano Victor de Oliveira Campos, Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira & Émile Durkheim - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (69):226816-226816.
    Este projeto terá como premissa, traduzir os ensaios publicados entre 1887-1914 que tratam acerca da temática do _fato religioso_ e seus desdobramentos específicos na configuração das sociedades; leia-se aqui, desde seus fundamentos mais gerais até sua intrínseca correlação com o dinâmica da _moral_ (condição ultíssima para a determinação modal das _consciências coletivas_, e respectivamente, suas _solidariedades_). Com efeito, a primeira publicação que faremos será o _Curso sobre as Origens da Vida Religiosa _(1907), no qual Durkheim pretende estabelecer as definições essenciais (...)
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  20.  4
    Apresentação.Inácio Helfer, Jaison M. Partchel, João Victor Rosauro & Gustavo Oliva de Oliveira - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (3):1-4.
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  21.  13
    Religião e contemporaneidade: atualidade do fenômeno religioso.Flavio Pereira Senra, Henrique Marques Lott, Fabiano Victor de Oliveira Campos & Tatiane Aparecida de Almeida (eds.) - 2017 - São Paulo, SP: Fonte Editorial.
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  22.  55
    The strong program in embodied cognitive science.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (4):841-865.
    A popular trend in the sciences of the mind is to understand cognition as embodied, embedded, enactive, ecological, and so on. While some of the work under the label of “embodied cognition” takes for granted key commitments of traditional cognitive science, other projects coincide in treating embodiment as the starting point for an entirely different way of investigating all of cognition. Focusing on the latter, this paper discusses how embodied cognitive science can be made more reflexive and more sensitive to (...)
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  23.  92
    Thomas Kuhn, the Image of Science and the Image of Art: The First Manuscript of Structure.J. C. Pinto de Oliveira - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (6):746-765.
    Thomas Kuhn's philosophy of science, which he developed by focusing on physics, was later applied by other authors to virtually all areas or disciplines of culture. What interests me here, however, is the movement in the opposite direction: the role that one of these disciplines, history of art, played in the conception of Kuhn'stheoryof science.In a 1969 article, his only published text concerning science and art, Kuhn makes a brief and intriguing observation about The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. He says (...)
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  24. Kuhn and the genesis of the “new historiography of science”.J. C. Pinto de Oliveira - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (1):115-121.
    In this paper I identify a tension between the two sets of works by Kuhn regarding the genesis of the “new historiography” of science. In the first, it could be said that the change from the traditional to the new historiography is strictly endogenous. In the second, the change is predominantly exogenous. To address this question, I draw on a text that is considered to be less important among Kuhn’s works, but which, as shall be argued, allows some contact between (...)
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  25.  10
    A Professional Guide to Explanation. Commentary on “A Methodological Problem of Choice for 4E Research”.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - 2023 - In Mark-Oliver Casper & Giuseppe Flavio Artese, Situated Cognition Research: Methodological Foundations. Springer Verlag. pp. 45-50.
    On the face of it, the perspective that Casper puts forward in his paper (Chap. 2) and the one I offer in mine (Chap. 4)are completely at odds with each other. He sees the current diversity of explanations, theories and methods in embodied cognitive science as problematic and calling for some kind of integration, whereas I defend an extreme pluralist stance and don’t see the diversity as a problem. Not only that, but while he argues for coordination between the disparate (...)
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  26.  52
    Psychology's WEIRD Problems.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira & Edward Baggs - 2023 - Cambridge University Press.
    Psychology has a WEIRD problem. It is overly reliant on participants from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic societies. Over the last decade this problem has come to be widely acknowledged, yet there has been little progress toward making psychology more diverse. This Element proposes that the lack of progress can be explained by the fact that the original WEIRD critique was too narrow in scope. Rather than a single problem of a lack of diversity among research participants, there are (...)
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  27.  37
    Kuhn, Condorcet, and Comte: On the Justification of the “Old” Historiography of Science.J. C. Pinto de Oliveira - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (3):375-397.
    Despite the importance of the “historiographical revolution” in Kuhn’s work, he did not carry out a specific study about it. Without a systematic investigation into it, he even affirms that the “old” historiography of science (OHS) is unhistorical, suggesting its summary disqualification in the face of his “new historiography” of science (NHS). My wider project, of which this paper is a part, is to better discuss the issue of the justification of the NHS. In this paper, I discuss the justification (...)
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  28. Carnap, Kuhn, and the History of Science: A Reply to Thomas Uebel.J. C. Pinto de Oliveira - 2015 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 46 (1):215-223.
    The purpose of this article is to respond to Thomas Uebel’s criticisms of my comments regarding the current revisionism of Carnap’s work and its relations to Kuhn. I begin by pointing out some misunderstandings in the interpretation of my article. I then discuss some aspects related to Carnap’s view of the history of science. First, I emphasize that it was not due to a supposed affinity between Kuhn’s conceptions and those of logical positivists that Kuhn was invited to write the (...)
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  29.  23
    A Five-Hundred-Year-Old Uncorrected Editorial Accident : The Insertion of Cajetanian Text into a Scotist’s Commentary.Luiz de Oliveira Astorga - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (2):189-200.
    Luiz de Oliveira Astorga | : Dans cet article, je montre qu’une grande section de texte cajétanien a été accidentellement copiée dans l’ouvrage d’un de ses plus véhéments critiques, le P. Francesco Licheto, un éminent professeur et commentateur de la pensée de Duns Scot. Le texte est inséré sans aucune marque distinctive et termine une section du commentaire en donnant au lecteur une idée complètement opposée à celle que le vrai auteur soutenait. Cette erreur paraît avoir échappé à l’attention (...)
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  30.  54
    Entre philosophie et linguistique: Autour de “Philosophie et langage” de Paul Ricœur.Rafael Barros de Oliveira - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 11 (1):65-85.
    Quelle est la tâche – plutôt que la contribution – de la philosophie à l’égard du langage? Dans cet article, il s’agit de revisiter la réponse de Paul Ricœur à cette question, à partir de son texte “Philosophie et langage.” Ricœur assigne à la philosophie la tâche de se réapproprier la triple médiation langagière: “chemin” du langage vers monde, “chemin” du langage vers le sujet et “chemin” du langage vers la communauté humaine. Partant de l’expérience concrète des sujets parlants, Ricœur (...)
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  31. A formação da subjetividade moral no pensamento de Michel Foucault.Bruno Camilo de Oliveira - 2021 - Journal Cajuína 6 (1):11-22.
    The objective of this work is to present Michel Foucault's perspective on the formation of moral subjectivity according to his text entitled “The use of pleasures and the techniques of self”. In the referred text, Foucault emphasizes that moral action should not be constituted in acts according to a rule of conduct supported by moral concepts, but in acts according to a pure relation of the subject with his internal wisdom (subjectivity), a relationship that should not be understood as simply (...)
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  32. Heidegger, Reification and Formal Indication.Nythamar de Oliveira - 2012 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 4 (1):35-52.
    The paper seeks to show how Heidegger recasts the problem of reification in Being and Time, so as to address the methodological procedure of formal indication, outlined in his early writings, in order to carry out a deconstruction of ancient ontology. By revisiting Marx's and Lukács's critique of objectification in social relations, especially the former's critique of alienation, in light of Honneth's critical theory of recognition, it is shown how a Heideggerian-inspired phenomenology of sociality could be reconstructed out of the (...)
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  33. Wittgenstein, Popper e o debate sobre os problemas filosóficos. Wittgenstein, Popper and the debate about philosophical problems.Bruno Camilo de Oliveira - 2022 - Pólemos 11 (23):63-77.
    The objective of this work is to present Ludwig Wittgenstein's perspective on the impossibility of the existence of philosophical problems, to then reflect on the implications of such a perspective based on Popper's thought. For that, Wittgenstein's perspective, as exposed in his work Tractatus logico-philosophicus, is contrasted with Karl Popper's perspective presented in “The nature of philosophical problems and their scientific roots” (in Conjectures and refutations). The example of the problem faced by Kant in his work Critique of pure reason (...)
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  34. O habitar e o inabitual na oposição entre o páthos da distância ou nobreza e o éthos do ponto de vista da utilidade.Bruno Camilo de Oliveira - 2021 - In Oscar Federico Bauchwitz, Eduardo Anibal Pellejero & Gilvanio Moreira, O habitar e o inabitual. Natal, RN, Brasil: PPGFIL/UFRN. pp. 296-315.
    The objective of this work is to reflect on the usual and the unusual, based on Friedrich Nietzsche's perspective on the opposition between the pathos of distance or nobility and the ethos from the point of view of utility. In order to do so, an analysis of selected excerpts from Nietzsche's works is carried out, mainly On the genealogy of morality and Beyond Good and Evil. According to Nietzsche, there is no ethos, but only pathos, being the ethos, affirmed by (...)
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  35. As implicações antidemocráticas do transumanismo. The anti-democratic implications of transhumanism.Bruno Camilo de Oliveira - 2022 - Problemata: International Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):81-90.
    The objective of this paper is to present the thesis of the Japanese-American philosopher and economist Francis Fukuyama, known as the “end of history”, to reflect on the central argument of this thesis that transhumanism represents a problem for democracy. Therefore, a conceptual analysis will be carried out, based on selected excerpts, of Fukuyama's works entitledThe end of history and the last man, Our posthuman futureand “Transhumanism”.
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  36. A diagrammatic representation for entities and mereotopological relations in ontologies.José M. Parente de Oliveira & Barry Smith - 2017 - In José M. Parente de Oliveira & Barry Smith, CEUR, vol. 1908.
    In the graphical representation of ontologies, it is customary to use graph theory as the representational background. We claim here that the standard graph-based approach has a number of limitations. We focus here on a problem in the graph-based representation of ontologies in complex domains such as biomedical, engineering and manufacturing: lack of mereotopological representation. Based on such limitation, we proposed a diagrammatic way to represent an entity’s structure and various forms of mereotopological relationships between the entities.
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    Theory, Practice, and Non-reductive (Meta)Science.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (2):199-203.
    Are the theoretical frameworks of phenomenology and of science compatible? And, if so, what would a reconciliation entail for science as it is practiced? Gallagher [2019] poses these two questions, answering the first in the affirmative and leaving the second unaddressed. I argue that treating the two as separate questions presupposes an inadequate distinction between theory and practice that Gallagher’s non-reductive framework motivates rejecting. Recognizing the intertwining of theory and practice allows us to answer Gallagher’s two questions about phenomenology and (...)
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  38. Detrascendentalizing subjetivity: Paul Ricoeur's revelatory hermeneutics of suspicion.Nythamar de Oliveira - 2004 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (2):371-399.
    O artigo esboça o desenvolvimento da hermenêutica filosófica de Paul Ricoeur a partir de sua fenomenologia da vontade em direção a uma hermenêutica da revelação, mostrando como o projeto radical de destranscendentalizar a subjetividade, subjacente à recepção francesa copntemporânea de uma hermenêutica da suspeita, terma por favorecer um retorno pós-hegeliano a Kant e reformula a filosofia transcendental numa correlação histórica e socialmente mediada entre linguagem e subjetividade, juntamente com uma dialética entre poesis e práxis.
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  39. (1 other version)Aesthetics, ethics, and the role of Teleology in the third Critique.Nythamar de Oliveira - 2012 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 24 (34):189.
    Kant’s dualism in anthropology and morality is said to be bridged only by means of a teleology that seems to betray the historical constitution of its subjectivity. And yet the Kantianarticulation of problems of theoretical and practical reason can be explored only insofar as they help us understand the correlated issues of the unity of reason, the relation of aesthetics and ethics in the light of the three Critiques, and the teleological conception of history. In this paper, I argue for (...)
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  40. Deconstructing the substantialist conception of God: recasting Heidegger's critique of Augustine.Nythamar de Oliveira - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (2):330-353.
    In this paper, I argue that Augustine's conception of God as substance (substantia) has misleadingly been evoked by Martin Heidegger's deconstruction of onto-theological and substantialist variants of metaphysics as they mistook entities (Seienden, entia, beings) f r their very Being (Sein, ens, esse) which cannot be conceptualized or objectified by human thinking, but makes both their thought and reality possible. Even though Augustine sought somehow to reconcile a Neoplatonic, essentialist cosmology with a Judeo-Christian worldview of historical redemption, Heidegger not only (...)
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    How is objectification related to a devaluation of people in the workplace?Pierre De Oliveira & Auzoult Auzoult - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:26-31.
    In this study we examine the relationship between the perception of being objectified in the workplace and the self-assessment of worth on a personal level, i.e. social desirability and social utility. This relationship is thought to be mediated by self-objectification in the workplace. 241 participants responded to an online questionnaire to measure these different variables. The results confirm a negative relationship between the perception of being objectified and the people’s worth, as well as mediation through self-objectification. This phenomenon could describe (...)
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  42. (1 other version)La niñez de Vico y la niñez en la filosofía de Vico.Humberto Aparecido de Oliveira Guido - 1999 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 11 (12):149-162.
    La niñez es un tema que aparece a menudo en la filosofía de Vico. En la Sn44 la niñez del mundo es la barbarie de los sentidos y la niñez de la persona singular del siglo de las luces es la barbarie del intelecto. Deseamos en este artículo investigar en los primeros escritos de Vico las consideraciones que fueron hechas respecto a la niñez singular y que, más adelante, sirvieron de soporte para las investigaciones de los tiempos oscuros. La Vita (...)
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  43. Between being and nothingness: Sartre's existencial phenomenology of liberation.Nythamar De Oliveira - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48 (4):581-602.
    O artigo tenta mostrar como a dialética sartreana do ser e do nada se afasta da concepção fundamental heideggeriana do Dasein enquanto ser-no-mundo, na medida em que seu modo de ser e autocompreensão existenciais conduzem-no em última análise à sua práxis histórica de libertação.
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  44. Peut-on vieillir sans médecins ? La réponse des auteurs de régimes de santé ou « conseils pour vivre longtemps » aux xviie et xviiie siècles.Claire Crignon-De Oliveira - 2011 - Astérion 8 (8).
    L’examen du corpus constitué par les régimes de santé en Europe, entre la fin du xvie siècle et le xviiie siècle, permet d’apporter des réponses intéressantes à la question de savoir si l’on peut vieillir sans médecins. Depuis le Trattato de vita sobria de l’Italien Luigi Cornaro (1558) jusqu’à The History of Health and the Art of Preserving it (1758) rédigée par l’Écossais James MacKenzie, on assiste à un effort pour distinguer le processus naturel du vieillissement de la vieillesse comme (...)
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    Hobbes on the power to punish.Mariana Kuhn de Oliveira - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (6):959-971.
    Hobbes’s account of the sovereign’s right to punish in Leviathan has led to a longstanding interpretive dispute. The debate is prompted by the fact that, prima facie, Hobbes makes two inconsistent claims: subjects (i) authorize all the acts of the sovereign, and are hence authors of their own punishment, yet (ii) have the liberty to resist such punishment. I argue that attending to Hobbes’s surprisingly neglected account of power yields a novel interpretation of his theory of punishment. Hobbes, it turns (...)
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    Produções Imagéticas: Uma Pesquisa No Modo Criança.Vanderleia de Lourdes Rodrigues Lopes de Oliveira & Bianca Santos Chisté - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-24.
    This article is part of a research project guided by a methodology for the production of images by children from 2 to 6 years old, developed in the Zona da Mata, in Rondônia. Children's filmic and photographic image productions inspired this inquiry, and suggest a novel way of thinking about children, childhood and research. Based on the questions, What can children's image productions tell us in a survey carried out in periods of social isolation? and What do children’s representations tell (...)
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    Da compaixão à inocência: Nietzsche e Schopenhauer em torno da questão do egoísmo.Jelson Roberto de Oliveira - 2015 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 60 (1):167-190.
    We intend to demonstrate in this work as Nietzsche formulates, in the writings that form the second period of his philosophical production, a critique to the moral of compassion proposed by Schopenhauer. For this, we’ll make a review of the Schopenhauer’s theses under which selfishness is the reason antimoral par excellence and, in contrast, altruism is the legitimate basis of morality. We will analyze also the procedure used by Nietzsche to, on one hand, criticize this ideal, and the other, reaching (...)
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    Otras opiniones sobre las matemáticas.Thays Alves de Oliveira & Vanessa Franco Neto - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:262-273.
    In this paper, we will present an initial discussion, for the authors, that has emerged in our training spaces as markers of our experiences. A beginning of a debate that consists of the non-neutrality of Mathematics and, consequently, of Mathematics Education from a perspective that involves social issues, specifically racial issues. In this way, we bring to discuss the relationship of these areas as molds to which subaltern bodies are subjected in society. In what ways has Mathematics been used in (...)
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  49. (1 other version)O projeto fundamental do para-si: uma análise de um possível ser consciente (o em-si-para-si) no pensamento de Sartre.Polyelton de Oliveira Lima - 2012 - Revista Inquietude 3 (2):108-121.
    In this article we will examine, in Sartre, the imminent need for the for-itself has to be based near his conscience. The question by questioning the fundamental design of the for-itself will allow the analysis of human reality as a conscious being, freedom and marked by the anguish of freedom. So how is it possible and how much power it will find a basis for human reality? Sartre's philosophy reveals the human reality as being characterized from the for-itself. Following this (...)
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    Cinematografia e Educação: Contribuições Para o Desenvolvimento da Leitura e da Escrita.Joyce Silva Pontes de Oliveira & Fábio de Sousa Dantas - 2023 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 11.
    Este texto vai explanar as diversas contribuições que as obras cinematográficas podem propiciar para a educação, ferramenta essa que pode ser uma grande aliada dos docentes em sala de aula, visto que os filmes chamam a atenção dos aprendentes, diante da transtextualidade e uso de recursos estéticos que dialogam com outras expressões artísticas, além das refrações histórico-sociais possíveis. Nessa perspectiva, compartilhamos algumas experiências didáticas oriundas do projeto “Cine-CAVN: Recepção crítica da indústria cultural na formação da leitura, da escrita e no (...)
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